Burlington Beer Co. – Surfing Waves of Dopamine
- Style: Saison
- ABV: 5.1%
- Price: $10.99/4pk
- Bottom of can: 04/27/16 | EDDIE WOULD GO
Thank you for supporting 14th Star Brewing Co. The amber beer you hold in your hand is a Belgian Quadruple Ale and is the culmination of two years if hard work and attention to detail. This special limited anniversary release was brewed with local maple syrup and has been aged for over a year in a bourbon barrel we acquired from Smugglers’ Notch Distillery.
Local Vermonter and beer enthusiast Ethan Allen was a leader in the effort to make Vermont the fourteenth star on the U.S flag in 1971. Today, we continue the tradition of honoring our state and passion at 14th Star Brewing Co. Our Quad D’erable is a big Belgian quad. This amber beer is brewed with maple syrup, giving it a sweet taste up front and a dry finish. Enjoy!
These ciders are made from Lost Apples of the Champlain Valley. By Lost Apples, we mean apples that homesteaders planted for homemade hard cider over 100+ years ago. Colin, David, and the Shacksbury Team, with the help of Michael Lee from Twig Farm and Brad Koehler from Windfall Orchard, forage through cow pastures, meadows, and forests of Vermont to harvest, then press and ferment these apples into a one-of-a-kind cider. If we love the cider from a particular tree, we graft it back into production.
From shacksbury.com:
~ Carriage Barn Series – Pink Boots Gose with Blood Oranges – a Gose that is sour and lightly salty that ends up with a matched orange finish. APV is 4.4%, 11 IBUs
~ Carriage Barn Series – Pink Boots Big Brew – An American Sour with Cherries – a moderately soured taste up front that transitions to a light cherry taste at the finish. APV is 5.2%, 10 IBUs
~ Rock’s Flying Service – A pale ale that is malt forward with American cascade hops, almonst an English Mild. APV is 5.0%, 23 IBUs.
~ Carriage Barn Series – Addy Brown – A full body brown ale hints of chocolate, and a moderate earthy/bitter hop presence. APV is 4.5%, 43 IBUs.
~ Park Filling Station – A Kolsch style ale that is light and crips with German Tettnang hops. APV is 4.5%, 21 IBUs.
~ The Bristol Railroad – A Hefe-Weizen with banana aromas as well as bananna taste with a hint of cloves. This beer is 50% wheat with Saaz hops. APV is 5.3, 10 IBUs.