Tag Archives: IPA

Lawson’s Double Sunshine Release FRIDAY 11/13 & SATURDAY 11/14

Lawson’s famed Double Sunshine IPA is returning!


The truck will arrive FRIDAY.  Nine times out of ten, it is here by noon, but sometimes it comes early or late.

There just is NO SET TIME, our staff will do everything they can to get it out for sale as soon as possible, we want you to have beer, not needlessly wait!

We will update our website when the truck arrives on Friday and it will sell out fast!

The limit will be one bottle per person.

We will sell more Double Sunshine at 10a on Saturday.  If we get everything we are expecting, the first 25-ish people will be able to buy a bottle.

Cheers to you from the Bevie staff!

Foley Brothers Pieces of Eight and Fair Maiden

Fresh Foley Brothers Brewing beer is here!

The long awaited Pieces of Eight and Fair Maiden will be released at 5p, Friday, November 6th!

Pieces Of Eight – Foley Brothers Brewing | American Double / Imperial IPA | 8.00% ABV | $8.69 +tax/dep

Fair Maiden Double IPA – Foley Brothers Brewing | American Double / Imperial IPA | 8.20% ABV | $8.69 +tax/dep


We currently have in stock and out for sale…

Citrennial – Foley Brothers Brewing | American IPA | 6.90% ABV | $8.69 +tax/dep

Parley – Foley Brothers Brewing | American Red IPA | 5.00% ABV | $8.69 +tax/dep

Maple Brown – Foley Brothers Brewing | American Brown Ale | 6.80% ABV | $8.69 +tax/dep

prices do not include VT tax/deposit.


11/06/15 – Lawson’s Delivery

Lawson’s Finest Liquids has arrived!


No extra special bottles this week, Carrier Mild is sold out!

Sip of Sunshine IPA Cans | 2 packs per person | $13.79/4pk

Super Session Cans | 12 cans per person | $21.99/12pk

Limits are per person of consumption age,
prices do not include VT tax/deposit.

Lost Nation Mosaic IPA

Lost Nation Mosaic IPA is here!


We are spreading the joyful deliciousness of this famed Vermont beer to as many people as possible so we’re rolling with one (1) 4pk per person per day.

Mosaic IPA – Lost Nation Brewing | American IPA | 5.50% ABV | $11.99/4pk

From http://lostnationbrewing.com/mosaic.php

    Our single hop IPA is brewed and dry hopped with Mosaic hops. Clean and crisp with an incredible balance between juicy fruit flavors and hop bitterness.
  • ABV: 5.5%
  • IBU: 65
  • AVAILABLE: Year Round in Draught and 16oz Cans




Hops For Hunger – Feed Folk, Get VT Beer


Hops 4 Hunger – Feed Folk, Get Beer!


The Beverage Warehouse has teamed up with The Alchemist, Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Fiddlehead Brewing Company ,and
14th Star Brewing Company, LLC to help feed our hungry neighbors via a Bevie Bag.

Each bag contains one can of:

  • The Alchemist – Heady Topper
  • Lawson’s Finest Liquids – Sip of Sunshine
  • 14th Star Brewing – Tribute
  • Fiddlehead – Second Fiddle
  • SOME bags will have a special surprise!


The Bevie Bag will be $20, only 240 lunch bags will be available. We are donating all profits so an awesome $9 per bag will be used to feed folk through our local food shelves this Thanksgiving. Best $20 ever spent on good beer!

Bevie Bags will be out for sale starting Thursday, November 19th on a first come, first served basis. Some of these bags may have a bonus surprise in them in form of a Bevie or local restaurant gift card, beer swag and other fun discoveries.

Do a good deed…. and get your own reward.

Special thanks to Farrell Distributing & Jared at Mac’s Market for making this happen! Mac’s not only is giving us a better price on Turkeys they are storing it all for us as well!