Tag Archives: Bourbon Barrel Aged

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Star of the County Down

It’s Bourbon County Day! Starting at 3PM this afternoon, we will be releasing this year’s batch of Goose Island’s Bourbon County Brand Stout, along with a couple of past releases to enjoy as a vertical!


Release Price Bottle Limit Per Customer*
BCBS 2022  $  14.99 3
Special Edition BCBS
Coffee 2022
 $  29.99 1
BCBS 2021  $  16.99 1
BCBS 2020  $  17.99 1

*Note: Due to a smaller than usual allocation this year, our bottle limits are a little tighter than in the past. We’re sorry for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

All bottles 500mL. No reservations. Listed prices do not include VT tax or deposit.

Stone Corral | Bourbon Barrel | Black Beer

Hooray for more VT beer!

Our friends at Stone Corral expanded their line and we are most pleased to announce the arrival Bourbon Barrel Black Beer!

$8.99 | 500ml


From the bottle:

Bourbon Barrel Black

A limited edition if our award winning Schwarzbier aged on oak from Mad River Distiller Bourbon barrels.

In a covered barn sitting amongst a small stone walled horse paddock, Stone Corral had it’s humble beginnings with an ernest brewer and a feverish local following.  The family operated artisanal brewery now resides in Richmond, VT, home of the finest water in the state.

Craft brewed and bottled in beautiful Richmond, Vermont by Stone Corral Brewery, LLC.

14th Star Quad D’erable Anniversary Ale

14th-star-quad-derable-beer14th Star Brewing Co. Quad D’erable 2014 Anniversary Ale has arrived!

If you have never heard of it, that is because it previously was only released at the brewery.

We got one shot at it so get this Maple Quadrupel Bourbon Barrel Aged Ale smartly wrapped in stunning packaging while you can!

12% ABV | $24.99/750ml
From the packaging –

     Thank you for supporting 14th Star Brewing Co.  The amber beer you hold in your hand is a Belgian Quadruple Ale and is the culmination of two years if hard work and attention to detail.  This special limited anniversary release was brewed with local maple syrup and has been aged for over a year in a bourbon barrel we acquired from Smugglers’ Notch Distillery.

     Local Vermonter and beer enthusiast Ethan Allen was a leader in the effort to make Vermont the fourteenth star on the U.S flag in 1971.  Today, we continue the tradition of honoring our state and passion at 14th Star Brewing Co.  Our Quad D’erable is a big Belgian quad.  This amber beer is brewed with maple syrup, giving it a sweet taste up front and a dry finish.  Enjoy!

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout KBS Release

This is most certainly NOT an April Fools prank – we release KBS every April 1st!


FRIDAY, APRIL 1st – 8:30AM Release!

Yee-Haw!  It’s that delicious time of year again when Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS) is released.

Thanks to you, we are the biggest Founders account in the northeast so we want to honor all you hard working folks with a special release!

We are opening extra early to make KBS available so you can get your beer and be swiftly on your way to work well before 9a!

The release is at 8:30AM, if you are here 30-ish minutes early, we predict there will be an 85%-ish (maybe higher!) chance you’ll be able to buy a 4pk but we cannot tell you how many people will be here.  Release is first come, first served.

Depending on the size of the line, we may start splitting 4pks in half at the back of the line so that everyone gets some.

Be one of the first 12 people in line and you will have the opportunity to buy 1 bottle of VINTAGE KBS!

From foundersbrewing.com:

What we’ve got here is an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure wonderful bourbon undertones come through in the finish. Makes your taste buds squeal with delight.

  • ABV: 12.4%
  • IBUs: 70
  • RateBeer Rating: 100
  • Beer Advocate Rating: 100

Stowe Cider Tasting Friday 3/18 3:30-6p

stowe-cider-safety-meetingStowe Cider Tasting Friday 3/18 3:30-6p

Come on over to the Beverage Warehouse for a FREE Stowe Cider tasting + meet & greet!


  • Wild Reserve  |  Stowe Cider  |  Wild Fermented Cider  |  750ml Bottle

  • Safety Meeting  | Stowe Cider  |  Citra & Galaxy Dry Hopped Cider  |  16oz Cans

  • Tips Up  |  Stowe Cider  |  Semi Dry Cider  |  16oz Cans

  • High & Dry  |  Stowe Cider  |  Super Dry Cider  |  16oz Cans

  • Bourbon Barrel Aged Cider  |  Stowe Cider  |  Special Release Batch 001  |  375ml Bottle

  • Rum Barrel Aged Ginger Cider  |  Stowe Cider  |  Special Release Batch 002  |  375ml Bottle

Burlington Beer Co Strange Apparition Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Oatmeal Stout

burlington-beer-co-strange-apparition-stoutBurlington Beer Co. Strange Apparition Imperial Oatmeal Stout Aged In Bourbon Barrels

~ Limited Release 2016 ~

$13.69 / 750ml


  • Strange Apparition


  • Imperial Stout


  • 12%


  • Columbus | Bittering | Herbal
  • Golding | Flavor | Conifer Forest


  • Maris Otter 32%
  • Pilsner 32%
  • Roasted Barley 8%
  • Melanoidin 4%
  • Crystal 46 4%
  • Brown 4%
  • Pale Chocolate 4%
  • Flaked Oats / Oat Malt 12%


  • Whole Coffee Beans


  • American Ale Yeast

About Strange Apparition:

  • This beer will keep you warm like the inside of a Tauntaun on the frozen surface of Hoth.  We’ve created something darker than Hades and smoother than velvet.  Share with friends to fight off any ghosts that may appear.  Dense, chewy malt with rich coffee and vanilla flavors emerge from the charred oak.