Tag Archives: Drink VT

Switchback Switchbock Keller Bier


Switchback Switchbock Keller Bier is here!

$9.49 6pk  |  7% ABV

From www.beeradvocate.com:
A rather old, rare, and unique German beer style, Kellerbiers are unfiltered and unpasteurized lagers that date back to at least the Middle Ages. The beer is matured, unbunged (beer is exposed), in deep vaults. The final product is a smooth, naturally cloudy beer that’s rich in vitamins (from the yeast).

Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 4.0-7.0%

Lawson’s Red Spruce Bitter & Sip of Sunshine IPA

Lawson’s Red Spruce Bitter is here!


     Lawson’s winter holiday ale is a special bitter brewed with real sprigs of Red Spruce picked from trees at the brewery, a dash of cinnamon & fermented with an English-style yeast. This winter seasonal breaks from traditionally heavy holiday brews with a light body and refreshing zest. 

Red Spruce Bitter | 1 bottle | $7.99

Sip of Sunshine IPA Cans | 2 packs per person | $13.79/4pk

Super Session Cans | 12 cans per person | $21.99/12pk $10.99/6pk

     Multiple people have trolled online us about the $0.01 savings if you buy two 6 packs instead of a 12 pack and said “12 packs should ALWAYS be cheaper (rawr rawr rawr…)”.    We decided to keep the price down as much as possible and not raise the 6 pack price!

Limits are per person of consumption age,
prices do not include VT tax/deposit.

Burlington Beer Co. Triumphant Belgian Golden Ale

We are blessed with more bottles from our friends at Burlington Beer Co.!


  • Burlington Beer Co. – Triumphant Belgian Style Golden Ale

  • ABV:  10%

  • Size:  750ml

  • Brewed:  November, 2015

  • Style:  Hybrid Golden Ale

  • Hops:
    –  Columbus | Bittering | Dank
    –  Cascade | Flavor Grapefruit
    –  New Zealand Rakau | Aroma | Peach
    –  Mandarina Bavaria | Aroma | Mandarin

  • Malt:
    –  American Pilsner Malt 60%
    –  American White Wheat Malt 25%
    –  Flaked Rice 15%

  • Yeast:  French origin Saison yeast

  • Misc:  Brewed with Vermont grown white Frontenac grapes from Fresh Tracks Winery & Vineyard

  • About Triumphant:
    Strange things are afoot here at the brewery.  In celebration of the New Year, we have created a “Champagne” inspired beer fermented with Saison yeast from France and white Frontenac grapes grown in Vermont.  Brewed with barley, wheat, and flaked rice, Triumphant is a beer that defies style.  From everyone here at the brewery, we’d like to wish you a Happy New Year.  Be excellent to each other.

  • Price:  $12.99

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