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Best of the Fest

Happy Brewer’s Festival Weekend! To celebrate one of our favorite events of the summer, we’ve got some incredible releases ready for you:

Human Robot is here! Some of the best lagers in the business have made their way up from Philadelphia to satisfy your crispiest cravings. Quantities are super limited, so get here quick as you can!

**All Human Robot 4-Packs $19.99, Limit One(1) 4-Pack of each Per Person**

We’ve cracked open our Beer Cave to let loose dozens of rare liquids from 3 Fonteinen, Guezerie Tilquin, Wunderkammer, and more!

These special Brewer’s Festival Releases will be available this Weekend only!

And just before the festivities get underway down at the waterfront, these beautiful bottles from Cantillon will make their great escape with a release at 3PM!




Classic Gueuze


$    21.99

Classic Gueuze


$    32.99



$    42.99

Saint Lamvinus


$    42.99

Bruocsella 1900 Grand Cru


$    42.99

**Limit One(1) Bottle of Cantillon Total Per Customer**

Listed Prices do not include VT tax or deposit. No reservations on any Brewer’s Festival Weekend Releases.