A Fairy Tale Ending

Rather than just a pair of brothers, we’ve got 6 new Grimm’s to spin a tale on your tastebuds. Here’s to your happily ever after!

Beer Price
En Passant Franc  $       9.99
Gathering Chardonnay Grapes  $    14.99
Plink  $       9.99
Lucky Cloud  $       9.99
Little Thief  $       8.99
Super Yuzu (4-Pack Cans)  $    18.99

Bottles all 500mL

Prices do not include VT tax or deposit.

Pull Up a Stool

On this cool and rainy National Beer Day, we can think of no better brew to unveil than Wunderkammer’s newest creation: croak hello to Toad!

Revisiting an early brew, this is an applewood smoke beer with a deep earthy undertone, courtesy of lichen, mushrooms, and oak leaves. Like a walk in the woods in the rainy spring or fall, this transportive concoction is a beautiful balance of complex flavors.

$13.99 | 500mL Bottle

Prices do not include VT tax or deposit.

A Pair of Paddy’s Premieres

Erin Go Bragh! While we do indeed have all your Irish libation needs covered, we had a couple of exciting arrivals that we thought that you should see on this sunny and bright St. Patrick’s Day.

First is the long awaited Centennial Celebration brew from our friends up the street at Four Quarters. Join us in raising a pint to 100 more years of Winooski!

$14.99 | 4-Pack 16oz Cans

And a Portland favorite makes their Vermont debut, welcome to Austin Street Brewery!

Beer 4-Pack Price
Florens IPA  $          18.99
Ascendant Kellerbier  $          12.99
Marquee Moon Pale Ale  $          16.99
Six Grain Milk Stout  $          16.99
Neverender DIPA  $          21.99

Prices do not include VT tax or deposit.

Слава Україні!

While we usually like to keep things light here at the Bevie and give you all the good news about the liquids that you love, it is critical to us, as people, to take time to reflect on the world around us, the effect the we have upon it, and the potential that we have to affect the systems that move that world. Like the rest of the globe, we have been disturbed and deeply saddened by the  events surrounding the invasion of Ukraine and the strife inflicted upon the Ukrainian people by forces beyond their control.

We support the state of Vermont’s decision to remove spirits imported directly from Russia from our shelves, and at this time we wish to take things a step further. This week, we will be donating the equivalent of 100% of our profits from the sales of all Russian-owned spirits brands since January 1, 2021, to Ukrainian humanitarian relief funds. While the support that we can provide to our brothers and sisters half a world away may seem small, we give it gladly, and in the hope that the rest of our community will join us in helping in whatever small ways that they can as well. Below is a short list of trusted aid organizations that we hope you can join us in supporting at this time. Any amount helps.

Ukrainian Red Cross: https://donate.redcrossredcrescent.org/ua/donate/~my-donation?_cv=1

Global Giving: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ukraine-crisis-relief-fund/

UN High Commission for Refugees: https://donate.unhcr.org/int/en/general#_ga=2.234074967.857381019.1646513871-516306600.1646513871

International Rescue Committee: https://help.rescue.org/donate/ukraine-acq

World Central Kitchen: https://donate.wck.org/give/236738/#!/donation/checkout

No war. Дякую.

Watch Your Figure

We’ve got another stellar Wunderkammer creation to go in and around your mouth during the weekend ahead.

Figure 5 is the second of three mixed culture single hop pale ales in a collaboration with Champlain Valley Hops, hopped(and dry-hopped) this time exclusively with Champlain Valley Cascade.

$10.99 | 500mL Bottle

Price does not include VT tax or deposit.

S’More Bernin’ Love

He’s back! Our fresh drop from the Four Quarters crew included one of their most popular creations from last, year, a return of Bernie’s S’mitten Mittens! This milk stout with maple syrup, chocolate chips, cocoa, graham cracker, and marshmallows will have you swooning, or maybe just sitting slightly less grumpily out in the cold.

$16.99 | 4-pk 16oz Cans

Price does not include VT tax or deposit.

Vermont's Largest Craft Beer, Wine, & Liquor Store