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Alchemist Heady Topper Schedule Change

Thirsty?  Check this out!

In an effort to give both locals and beer pilgrimage folk the best and most consistent opportunity to purchase one of the more sought after brews in the world… we’re releasing the Alchemist Heady Topper four days instead of three!

We’re devious over here and always shaking things up in the craft beer world at the Beverage Warehouse and so here is our current Heady Topper schedule:

~  Tues 10a
~  Weds 8p
~  Thurs 10a
~  Sat 10a

As usual, we sell it by the case (you don’t have to buy a case!) and we make sure everyone who is here gets the chance to buy Heady Topper (we don’t have 100+ cases for each release!) which means some days 37 people get a case, and other days, 15 people get to buy a case.  We base how many people can buy a case on how many people are in line.

If you’re in the front of the line, you get to buy more than people in the back of the line but everyone gets to buy some frothy, fresh, VT canned IPA – we share the wealth!

Everyday is a new, delicious adventure at the Bevie so we cannot predict how many people will get a case of Heady Topper but we can assure you that at every release, we count how many people are in line and if you’re here when we release it, you’re golden!

For FAQ’s, info, and crazy good VT Beer updates, be sure to check out our beer hit list page and official Heady Topper section.