Tag Archives: Wunderkammer Bier Vol 11 | Ghost Pipes

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Wunderkammer Bier | Vol 11 | Ghost Pipes

We are delighted to announce the arrival of Wunderkammer Bier Vol 11 | Ghost Pipes in our independent store.

Wunderkammer Bier increasingly sells quicker upon each delivery, so snag your bottle whilst you are able.

$9.99/375ml | $49.99/1.5ltr
(plus tax/deposit)

From Vasilios:


Ghost Pipes, volume eleven. This beer has a very simple malt profile with some earthy home grown Newport hops in the whirlpool. The beer was then fermented on the lees (re:mixed culture yeast) from Bufo (vol 9), in oak. The goal was to bring forward some of the earthy-ness from the Bufo and hops into a simple and elegant wild ale. The result is a delicate mushroomy beer with herbal accents.

Ghost Pipe, Monotropa Uniflora, (aka Indian Pipe, Corpse Plant) is a type of herbaceous perennial plant found in the forests around us. It produces no chlorophyll, instead is a parasite, living on mostly fungus that grow symbiotically with trees. No Ghost Pipes were used in making this beer. it is instead a appreciation of the beauty and rarity of coming across these plants in the forest, as well as a reference to the method used to create this beer. It liteterally grew on a substrate of a beer made with fungi, extracting that flavor into it.