Tag Archives: Switchback Connector IPA

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Switchback Connector IPA

Switchback Connector IPA has made the leap from brewery to Bevie!

Wrap your mitts around these bottles while you can, supply is limited.  $5.99 | 22oz


From switchbackvt.com:

Connector IPA

  • First Sold: April 2015
  • Availability: Limited
  • 6.2% ABV
  • 65 IBU
  • Unfiltered and 100% Naturally Carbonated

Connector IPA is Switchback’s first and long awaited IPA! Light in color and body, the beer is designed to showcase the hops delicious medley of citrus, tropical fruit, and pine characteristics. Following a huge late addition of Citra hops at the end of the brewing process, we dry hopped this beer with a massive amount of Mosaic and Centennial hops. The result is a lively, refreshingly hoppy IPA that finishes dry with a quick hit of bitterness that fades quickly and invites you back for another sip.

Our Connector IPA is named after “The Southern Connector” road that has been debated for over 52 years and would connect the south end of Burlington to Route 7. The world’s tallest filing cabinet created by local artist, Bren Alvarez is located a few hundred yards away from the brewery on Flynn Ave and was constructed to represent the bureaucracy of the project.

All Switchback beers are brewed in Burlington, Vermont and are carbonated during fermentation by the yeast itself resulting in a 100% naturally conditioned beer. After aging, we simply move the beer to the keg or bottle, leaving it unfiltered for the freshest, fullest, most natural flavor possible.