Choklat Oranj | Southern Tier

choklat-oranj-southern-tierSouthern Tier Choklat Oranj is now available!  Snag this sweet n’ citrusy spring seasonal while you can!



Choklat Oranj is the fifth beer currently in our highly regarded Blackwater series. Warlock, Creme Brulee, Mokah and Choklat have RateBeer scores of 97, 98, 99 and 100, respectively. Choklat Oranj is a stout brewed with chocolate and orange peels, opaque black in color, 10.0% abv, and a delicious dessert beer. Perfect alone, or enjoyed as a float. Scoop organic vanilla bean ice cream into a snifter or pint glass and top with Choklat Oranj. It’s impossible to be disappointed.


  • STYLE: Imperial Stout brewed with Chocolate & Orange Peels
  • BREWED SINCE: 2015
  • ABV: 10.0%
  • FERMENTATION: Ale yeast, two varieties of hops, four types of malts, chocolate & orange peels
  • COLOR: Opaque, nearly black
  • EFFERVESCENCE: Lightly carbonated
  • NOSE: Chocolate, sweet caramel notes, orange
  • FLAVOR: Chocolate, dark malts, orange
  • BITTERNESS: Medium
  • BODY: Creamy, heavier bodied
  • GLASS: Tulip glass, snifter, oversized wine glass
  • AVAILABILITY: Late spring release / 22oz / 1/6 keg
  • CELLARING: 35-40°F