A great week is occurring at the Beverage Warehouse – your local funness supplier!
Growler Bar –
We are ripping through the ‘Make the Cut’ homebrew kegs. A special batch of not just the top 2, but the TOP 4 2015 contestants was recently re-brewed at 14th Star. We were lucky enough to snag a few extra kegs and add them to our current offering of:
- Lost Nation Pale Ale
- Brooklyn Brewery Sorachi Ace Hopped Saison
- Belgian Witbier
- Little Brown Bear Ale
- Salute Your Schwarz
- Chocolate Raspberry Stout
In addition to these offerings, we are almost done building our growler bar page in which you’ll be able to see what’s on tap at the Bevie, what is on deck, and special future offerings that will be limited to a single 32oz fill per person.
Events –
We are cranking out exciting tastings to introduce your mouth to new pleasures. We added multiple new events, check out our event calendar… new experiences await, all you have to do is show up!
Check it out: http://beveragewarehousevt.com/home/events/
Wine –
We are not just known for incredible beers, but also an amazing wine selection!
We have a special sale going on right now for the Ides of March.
Jump in on this amazing wine at an incredible price before it’s gone: http://beveragewarehousevt.com/home/2016/03/15/terra-di-lavoro-ides-of-march-wine-sale/
Heady Topper:
Schedule is ‘normal’ for us this and next week. Be here on time and we’ll make sure you get this highly sought after beer.
- 10a Tuesday
- 8p Wednesday
- 10a Thursday
- 10a Saturday
Lawson’s Finest Liquids:
No special bottles this week – our friends are gearing up for their anniversary party. Our Lawson’s release will occur when the truck arrives on Friday. Stock will be limited this week! It is often here by noon, but it could be here early or late. We will post on the front page of our website when the truck is here and estimate we will sell out of 2/3 of our stock on Friday within 1-3 hours after posting.
- Friday limits will be 2 4pks of Sip of Sunshine, no current limit on Super Session #2.
- Saturday limits will be less than Friday when we release the other 1/3 of our stock at 10a sharp Saturday morning.
Beer Hit List –
If you have yet to explore our ‘Beer Hit List’ page, do it right meow! It’s a wonderful tool and frequently updated to give you a heads-up on the special beers we know you’re searching for.